About us.

Our focus is strategy and design for your users to deliver brilliant products and user-centric services.

We live to solve problems and no problem is too big.


Tom Lane

Over a decade of experience in the ever changing User Experience space. My favourite thing is getting in the lab with users and letting them just unload and destroy our hypothesis, that to me is true user testing and helps challenge expectations where assumptions may have been made.

Collaboration to me is fundamental and I endeavour to work in an agile way adopting techniques such as Design Sprints. I believe in delivering value to customers through an iterative research approach.

What People Are Saying.


“Our client had nothing but praise and Tom was responsible for the genuine and overwhelmingly positive relationship he had built over his time on the account.”

— Nicolas Bariatti (Business Analyst, Capgemini)

“He really cares about the details but doesn't lose track of the bigger picture. Using his own knowledge and user research Tom looks to improve the experiences he's working on. Making things better for the user and giving a more enjoyable experience.”

— Chris Mount (Head of Design, Three)

“Tom is a talented designer, excellent communicator, dependable team-mate, solid leader, decent foosball player, lustrous beard owner and all-round nice guy. Honestly, it would be annoying if he wasn't also an absolute breeze to work with.”

— Harry Bond (Service Designer, British Gas)

Our Values.


Get s**t done.

We are truly agile! We get stuck in, workshops, design sprints and much more. We have an arsenal of tools to get to the bottom of needs before the budget quickly disappears.

Find the need.

Too often we see clients ask for what they want without knowing what they need. We are practitioners in extracting the need.


Time is money, we get that. We like to fail. Analyse. Iterate. Quickly. We enjoy nothing more than seeing results, more so than the client, we live for that s**t.



About 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability. Do you really want to make your business inaccessible to such a huge market share?


We can’t all be specialist in everything and that is why we are a collective. We pool our resources and skills to give you access to a broader skillset.

Data driven.

We strike the balance between Quantifiable data and Qualitative. Too often business leverage neither or bias towards one. For the clear picture you need a healthy balance.